Katrina Smith
Conservative Republican
I care deeply for what is happening to Mainers and their families because it is happening to me and mine as well. We are facing a rapid loss of freedoms, one party legislation, jobs being lost, our elderly being abandoned, and our children undergoing extreme undue stress. The time to be quiet is far past and we must elect officials who will speak loudly for YOU. I promise to be that person.
I have spent my life in Maine and have lived in Palermo for the past 7 years with my children attending the local elementary school and Erskine Academy, worshipping in local churches and enjoying the natural resources that abound in our area. We call this area home because we love the hard working people who believe in the way life should be.


Freedom IS Essential

Your Child - Your Choice

Overtaxation and loss of Industry
Mainers spread thin
In 2020 Katrina was a Republican candidate for the Maine House of Representatives against a 2 time incumbent in an overall liberal district. After speaking to thousands of people and working every day to listen to constituents she won 5 out of 7 towns and lost by only 67 votes. In 2021 Katrina became chair of the Waldo County Republicans and focused on giving hope in tumultuous times and preparing to turn the state RED in 2022. As Chair she kept the county informed of pending legislation, educated the public on the use of Critical Race theory in our schools, presented a Resolution to make Waldo County a Second Amendment sanctuary and began to coordinate plans to take back the State House.